Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magic Boxes!

There is this great site called "StumbleUpon" in which you can "Stumble" onto different sites according to the topics you like. This has become hazardous for me and my sleeping schedule lately as I now have to have a separate folder in my bookmarks for all the crafty things I want to try. My crafty friend Amanda and I were stumbling for something creative to do one night and we stumbled upon Leah Killian's Magic Boxes and knew immediately that we HAD to make some. So we gathered up all our fancy papers, the glue gun, and all Amanda's scrapbooking supplies and started working.

We made a lot of boxes.


This is the first one I made. Pretty plain compared to the ones on the site though.
Box number two was much more creative than box number one was. I had this black and white paper that I just HAD to use.After that the ideas just came flowing out. So I made a few more...
Amanda made some too...but since we stayed up till 4am making them, she took them home before I remembered we forgot to take pictures. :(

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